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Version: 1.10 NeoForge


The Main article about Vampiric Creatures can be found here.

By default, only vanilla animals can be converted to a vampiric version, and Vampirism Integrations add support for some other mods. But if you want to make your own modded creatures convertible, or you are a modpack creator who wants more compatibility, you can easily create a simple vampiric version of other creatures.


A convertible handler is registered alongside blood values. The entity must have a blood value greater than 0 to be convertible.

The convertible handler is added like this:

"values": {
"<entity-id>": {
"handler": {
"type": "vampirism:default"
"overlay": "<path-to-overlay-texture>"

Different converter

There are two build-in converters available. Other mods can add different converters.

Default Converter

The default converter can be used for any entity. It will create a vampiric version of the entity. The problem with this variant is that the converted entity acts as dummy entity, which does not support the interactions of the source entity. What this means is that if you convert a horse with this converter, you will no longer be able to ride it, access the inventory, etc ...

"handler": {
"type": "vampirism:default"

Special Converter

The special converter is used to convert an entity into a specific vampiric entity. This is used, for example, to convert a horse into a vampire horse with full functionality. But this requires a custom converted entity to be registered.

"handler": {
"type": "vampirism:special",
"converted_type": "<converted-entity-id>"


Additionally, a converted entity requires an overlay texture to distinguish it from the original entity. This overlay texture is applied to the original entities texture and can be specified with the overlay property.

"handler": {...},
"overlay": "<path-to-overlay-texture>"

Attribute modifiers

If no attribute modifier is defined, the following default modifiers will be applied to the converted entity:

  • Attack Damage: x1.3
  • Knockback Resistance: x1.3
  • Max Health: x1.5
  • Movement Speed: x1.2

They can be configured with the attribute_helper property. The following example shows how to configure the attack damage modifier.

"handler": {
"type": ...,
"attribute_helper": [
"attribute": "minecraft:generic.attack_damage",
"fallback_base": 2.0,
"modifier": 1.3
attributeResourceLocationThe attribute to modify. See here for all vanilla attributes.
modifierfloatThe modifier to apply to the attribute. The final value will be base * modifier.
fallback_basefloatThe base value to use if the entity does not have the attribute. This is useful for modded entities which do not have the vanilla attributes.