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Version: 1.8 Forge


Setup Gradle

To use the Vampirism API in your dev environment, you need to add the following dependencies to your project:

repositories {
maven {
name = 'Vampirism'
url = ""
dependencies {
//compile against the Vampirism API
compileOnly fg.deobf("de.teamlapen.vampirism:Vampirism:${mc_version}-${vampirism_version}:api")
//at runtime (in your development environment) use the full Vampirism jar
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("de.teamlapen.vampirism:Vampirism:${mc_version}-${vampirism_version}")

Choose a version

${mc_version} needs to be replaced by your minecraft version. e.g. 1.16.5

${vampirism_version} needs to be replaced by the version of Vampirism you want to use. e.g. 1.8.6

For a full list of available versions see the Maven listing, Curseforge or Modrinth

These properties can be set in the file in the root of your project.


Run Vampirism in a de-obfuscated environment

Vampirism uses Mixins. To be able to apply them in a de-obfuscated environment using a different set of mappings ( from the one Vampirism uses) you have to enable remapping of the refmap.

To do this you need to add following properties to your run configurations and regenerate them:

property 'mixin.env.remapRefMap', 'true'
property 'mixin.env.refMapRemappingFile', "${projectDir}/build/createSrgToMcp/output.srg"

Should this not work you can try to disable the refmap by adding property 'mixin.env.disableRefMap', 'true'.
If you still run into issues with mixins you can also set mixin.env.ignoreRequired to true. However, not all of Vampirism will work correctly then.


Check out this example project: Vampirism API Example