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Version: 1.9 Forge

Blood Values

Blood values can be configured for items, entities and fluids.


In the following context the file-id is an identified for your file that is relevant if you want to override values. This works similar to the tag system. Creating the file vampirism.json and setting replace to true will remove all values that vampirism sets in vamprism.json and adds your values.


Item blood values are used by the Grinder to determine the amount of impure blood of an item when grinding it. A configured value of 20 means that the grinder will produce 20mb impure blood when grinding the item.

File location : data/<your-modid>/vampirism/bloodvalues/items/<file-id>.json


Entity blood values are relevant for biting creatures as Vampire. It determines the amount of blood the creature has or if it has no blood at all. A configured value of 10 means that the creature can fill 10 half-blood / 5 blood in the blood bar. A value of 0 means that the creature cannot be bitten.

File location : data/<your-modid>/vampirism/bloodvalues/entities/<file-id>.json


Fluid blood values are conversion rates from other fluids to blood. It is used by the Blood Sieve to transform Impure Blood into Blood. But this also support third party fluids if configured. A configured value of 0.75 means that 1 bucket of the fluid is converted to 0.75 buckets of blood.

File location : data/<your-modid>/vampirism/bloodvalues/fluids/<file-id>.json


All types share the same schema:

Minecraft 1.16
"replace": false,
"values": {
"<item_id>": <blood_value>,
"<item_id>": <blood_value>,
"<item_id>": <blood_value>,
"<item_id>": <blood_value>
  • <item-id>: The registry id of the type.
  • <blood_value>: The floating point blood value.
Minecraft 1.19
"replace": false,
"values": [
"id": "<item_id>",
"value": <blood_value>
"id": "<item_id>",
"value": <blood_value>
"id": "<item_id>",
"value": <blood_value>
  • <item-id>: The registry id of the type.
  • <blood_value>: The floating point blood value.