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Why is this in a separate mod?

  1. Integrating mods poses a significant challenge when adapting to Minecraft updates. When Minecraft undergoes an update, and other mods are not yet compatible, it becomes necessary to uncomment relevant sections in the Vampirism code, eliminate dependencies, and repeat these adjustments once the mod is eventually updated.
  2. I aim to avoid issuing frequent updates for Vampirism in response to changes in other mods. Releasing updates for every modification that requires adjustments can be cumbersome.
  3. This practice maintains a higher level of organization within Vampirism's code.
  4. It serves as a validation for the functionality of Vampirism's API, pinpointing areas for enhancement and offering a practical example.
  5. Simplifying the process for others to contribute and integrate additional features becomes more accessible, fostering the potential for collaborative enhancements (although success in this regard has been elusive thus far).
  6. If you are already installing many mods or a modpack it should not make that much difference anyway.